About Our Courses

The Movement Arc offers several unique classes and courses, from 3hours in length (The Dipping Your Toes In introductory workshop which we recommend all incoming students take part in) to weekly online Somatic Movement Classes (see below), as well as ‘on demand’  learning courses where you can work at your own pace and meet with instructors intermittently. 

Dipping Your Toes In 3 hr workshops takes place four times per year or more often if there is demand. Please inquire if you do not see a workshop scheduled soon.

Classes and courses draw from a diversity of dance and movement modalities, the Laban/Barteneiff movement observation framework and current somatic arts. 

The Movement Arc is always developing a greater variety of on demand courses. Right now we are completing The Moving Child I, The Moving Child II and Introduction to Dance Therapy. These are being tested in process and if you are interested in knowing when they are being launched, please join our mailing list for updates!

See below for current courses on offer.

Dipping Your Toes Workshop

A 3 hour introductory live online workshop (by Zoom), that offers an introduction to somatic movement experiences and provides information about the Movement Arc's courses and programs for those considering enrolment. Come get an embodied sense of our offerings!
3 Hours

Somatic Movement Classes

This 1 hour class weekly for 12 sessions focuses on knowing and engaging different areas of your body for fuller body connectivity as well as expressivity. Includes experiential anatomy and discovering new movement potential. All abilities and experience welcome!
12 Hours

Embodiment Tools: 21 Day Journey

A 21 day online journey of short videos introducing a variety of tools for your embodied learning, including an introduction to the Patterns of Total Body Connectivity, Body Systems, and moving spontaneously from sensations, images and music.