This experiential course will explore the foundations for using Authentic Movement in the clinical practice of Dance/Movement within different settings. Authentic Movement is a Dance/movement Therapy practice whose basic structure is a dyad between one who moves (the mover) and one who witnesses (the witness). It invites the mover to explore awareness of their embodied self in the presence of a compassionate other, the witness.
Though Authentic Movement is widely used for personal growth, artistic creation and spiritual practice, this course will examine how it can be applied to clinical practice. After learning the form’s history and it’s basic structure, students will practice the role of the mover and expand to develop their skills as witnesses, so as to recognize that this role is similar to that of the therapist, but with enhanced capacity to observe themselves, while seeing their clients with increased clarity and compassion.
Authentic Movement’s applications to individual and group settings will be explored, as well as guidelines to discern it’s appropriate use and adaptations for various populations. Issues of diversity and equity regarding applications of Authentic Movement are addressed throughout the course.
Though students may have a strong background in Authentic Movement, this course is not intended to train students to teach Authentic Movement groups, but rather to include the skills of witnessing in their roles as therapists.
This is an intermediate level course.
Prerequisites: It is required that all students taking this class for alternate route credit have taken Introduction to DMT I and II, (or similar equivalent introductory DMT courses). Students not taking this course for Alternate Route must have some background in DMT and/or Authentic Movement. All students will be interviewed by instructor to discern Authentic Movement and DMT background. Student membership with the ADTA is recommended to support access to American Journal of Dance Therapy readings.
Instructor: Tannis Hugill, MA, RCC, RDT, BC-DMT
Dates: September 23, 24, 25, 26, 2022 (30 hours: 2 credits)
Hours: 10am-6pm with breaks Pacific Daylight Time
Location: Vancouver, BC Canada*
Cost: $1000 + $50 GST = Total $1050.00
To register email us at
*In-person course offering is dependent on COVID safety protocols. If we cannot meet safely in person according to the protocols we will meet online and the course dates and schedule may change to accommodate online learning.