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Somatic Movement Coaching sessions

Somatic Movement Coaching sessions with Hana Kamea Kemble (Certified Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst) are tailored to the unique needs of each student/client. Together we co-design your session to address your goals and Hana structures the session to meet those goals, while remaining open to a process-oriented somatic unfolding of your own experience.

Please email us at for more information and to schedule a session. (For current Movement Arc students , sessions are $90/hr plus GST, this payment can be arranged outside of this format of website payment). For non-Movement Arc current students, sessions are $140/hr plus GST. If Hana is travelling to a location near you for your session, she may also need to charge mileage at .65 cents per km from her base in Vancouver.




More Details

Somatic Movement Coaching sessions with Hana Kamea Kemble, MA, RSMT, RCC, BC-DMT, CLMA, RYT and Movement Arc director/instructor can take place in person on Saltspring Island, BC (Canada) or via Zoom online. These sessions are aimed at supporting you with any goal area you might have, including:

  • Increasing your felt sense of connection to your own body for wellbeing.
  • Deepening your self-awareness and sense of agency in the world, through your moving body.
  • Understanding and strengthening dynamic alignment (different than posture).
  • Expanding your self-expression, physically and/or emotionally.
  • Understanding how to sequence emotions through your body and regulate emotions using breathing and movement.
  • Learning about your breathing and maximizing 3-D breath support.
  • Core connectivity and activating kinetic chains from toes through head.
  • Exploring your life story and experiences through movement.
  • Understanding a somatic approach to embodiment.
  • Coping with pain with bodyfulness and mindfulness tools.
  • Exploring your body’s natural intelligence and the intelligence and resource of the body’s many Systems available to engage with awareness.

Hana will co-develop with you your goal areas and help to structure sessions to meet these goals. No experience necessary. Please note these sessions are not specifically psychotherapeutic in orientation and are focused on the body and movement resources, using tools from the Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies framework. Contact Hana for more info: (Attention Hana: Somatic Movement Coaching)