EMF Community Application Projects

The Community Applications Projects course is 5 hours of partner and instructor calls (in addition to whatever hours the application project entails as delivered in a community setting), and is a partly self-directed portion of the EMF program.

Each student will both receive and give support to peers (EMF student partner) and also have 2 supervision meetings with EMF instructor(s). This course is designed to support the transition of applying EMF learning to one’s professional somatic movement practice.

Each student will design and facilitate a short series of Expressive Movement classes/sessions either for 1/1 work or groups (student choice as to type and length), in a setting they are already working in or a new setting they wish to venture into, with supportive supervision from instructors. 

Students can use a suggested Liability Waiver Form supplied by The Movement Arc to manage liability issues and choose carefully who they will work with and in what capacity as per their identified scope of practice. They will also evaluate their success using a participant evaluation form provided by The Movement Arc.

Students will then create a short presentation (15minutes) about their community project and present this to the group in the next course #7: Professional Preparedness.

Learning Objectives of this course:

Through their community application project, students will:

1)      Develop knowledge and skills in application of EMF within a student’s own professional practice.

2)     Gain confidence to execute the work of EMF in a professional manner, and identify scope of practice.

3)     Receive feedback and learn from their ‘practicum students/clients’ experiences of the facilitator and their offerings (gathered through written and oral evaluations), and digest this in both their partner calls as well as their 2nd ‘supervision’ session with instructors.

Students will then follow-up with presentations in their Professional Preparedness Class.