Welcome to Class 4
ISMETA Core Competency:
Demonstrate the primary movement principles of the system(s) trained in (1) (in terms of Laban’s original humanist approach as well as current conversations within the LBMS community around inclusion).
ISMETA Standard of Practice: V: A
This class offers an introduction on holding space in a conscious and inclusive way, honouring the different experiences and identities that people embody, as an invitation to start engaging in conversations around facilitating spaces through an (embodied) intersectional lens. We focus on introducing systems of power & privilege.
Through felt sense, movement and body statutes, participants will be invited to explore how we have been shaped by the context and the body in which we were born (the cycle of socialization), the moments when there has been questioning/interruption or raise of consciousness, and the impact that this has in how we perceive and move through the world and therefore facilitate and hold spaces.
Asynchronous Assignments (1 hr):
Visit as many of the following websites as you like and journal about anything new that you find there for yourself regarding diversity, and upload your journaling assignment:
- Somatic Activism: What Is It And How Can You Get Involved? An Interview With Dr. Martha Eddy
- Kimberle Crenshaw on Intersectionality | The Big Idea
- Historical Racism
- Privilege Explained..
- How Privileged Are You?
- Evidence of widespread racism against Indigenous peoples within B.C. health care: investigation
- How racism affects the brain
Zoom Video Recording Link (remember the password)
Image below referenced by Veronica during class comes from the author Bobbie Harro, called the Cycle of Socialization which appears free online. Feel free to google it.